Fall Workshops 2023
1678 team structure and management |
Strategic design |
Cad Principles |
Presented by: Kina L. and Steven Z.
In this workshop, you'll learn about 1678's team structure and how they handle recruitment, logistics, and day-to-day team operations.
Presented by: Austin Haddox
In this workshop, you'll learn some tips for designing effective robots and effectively using team resources.
Presented by: Brendan R. and Sam C.
In this workshop, you'll learn how 1678 keeps its CAD process focused, organized, and efficient. Highlights the ideas and common practices the team uses to make the best use of time while using CAD systems to create system and part designs.
Establishing and maintaining team branding |
Considerations And Strategies For Building Field Elements |
Robocamps: Starting your own programs |
Presented by: Brook Ostrom
In this workshop, you'll learn about how to build your team brand image, how to maintain it over time, and how to approach changes to your visual communications. Think about your own team's brand and what it means to your team.
Presented by: Dan Tolson
Is it possible to have practice fields built by the end of Kickoff Day? In this workshop, you'll learn tips and tricks on how to organize the materials, equipment and labor to make it happen.
Presented by: Annika L. and David Solomon
In this workshop, you'll learn how to invite your community into the world of STEM by starting up your own RoboCamps program. You'll learn how to budget for and run the camps, and face challenges that might arise with advice learnt from previous 1678 summer camps.
Effective driver training In frc |
Draft Night Tool: The Picklist |
Game analysis and scoring systems |
Presented by: Yi Z.
This presentation covers how 1678 maximizes the effectiveness of our drive team. It will cover drills, practice, and in-match optimizations, ending with a live match video review.
Presented by: Mehul P., Nathan M.
Citrus Circuits has been refining our draft night for years. In this presentation we will explain our Picklist Editor tool.
Presented by: Austin Haddox
introduction to git |
quick prototyping |
design for autonomous |
Presented by: Jason SooHoo
Introduction to Git and how it can benefit teams without source control: An introduction to how teams can utilize Git to manage source code both off the field and during competitions. Teams can also utilize standard issue tracking tools or GitHubs and GitLabs to better delegate portions of the code. This intro is primarily for beginners and not too technical. I’m mostly going to demonstrate how we use Git at my work and on our team.
Presented by: Brendan R. and Jen Bullocks
Prototyping & Iteration: Covers the evolutions of 1678's robot designs, from initial designs to early prototyping to modeling and iteration, as well as the core tenets and philosophy that make the team’s design department successful throughout the season.
Presented by: Griffin Della Grotte
Start your match off right: Getting the most value out of autonomous mode. A guide from kickoff to competition of developing high performance auto routines.
Woodie Flowers Panel |
Match strategy |
History of FRC |
Panelists: Steve Harvey (1678), Alvin Cheng (1967), Ryan Cahoon (766), and Ramon Cuevas (5817)
The Woodie Flowers Panel will be a panel of 4 distinguished mentors from various teams in FRC. They will be discussing their experiences in FRC as mentors.
Presented by: Kina L. and Richard Mcann
We'll discuss devising match strategy with a focus on the broader perspective & entire alliance. We'll also present about our general process of creating match strategies at competitions, utilizing our scouting system, coordinating with other teams, and communicating information from the stands to our pits.
Presented by: Matt Golman
I'll be looking at the common trends and unique elements from FRC games over the past 10 years, focusing on the strategies and robots that eventually proved successful.
Effective scouting in frcPresented by: Nathan M. and Rohaan S.
We'll be going over ways to collect data, store data, and display data. We'll be talking about the benefits of an electronic scouting system and the different ways scouting systems can be implemented. The idea is to give a walkthrough on what an effective scouting system looks-like and what an effective scouting system can mean for teams of all different sizes. Like what to prioritize if you have a few scouts versus a lot of scouts. We'll probably briefly touch on some of the different softwares and hardwares that can be used, using our own system as an example.
Diversity in stemPresented by: Kayla L. and Olivet Y.
In this workshop, you'll learn how to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within your team and local community.