Primary Subteams
There are a total of six primary subteams: Business and Media, Hardware Design/Electrical/Fabrication, Software Robot, and Software Scouting. All subteams work together to help our team run smoothly and function to the best of their abilities. No previous experience is needed to join the team.
Business/MediaThe Business/Media subteam involves a wide range of skill and is in charge of the majority of non-technical tasks. Throughout the year, they contact sponsors for fundraising, write grants, track income and expenditures, and complete the yearly business plan. To maintain the team image, they write and release social media posts, newspaper articles, monthly newsletters, and design the website and all team apparel.
hardware designIn Citrus Circuits, we design and manufacture almost all of our own parts. Because of this, the Hardware Mechanical subteam is split into the Design team and the Fabrication team. The Hardware Design subteam uses Computer Aided Design (CAD) to create images of parts and mechanisms for our robot, which is then sent to Hardware Fabrication.
Hardware electricalThe Hardware Electrical subteam connects Hardware Mechanical and Software Robot. Students on the subteam apply wiring design concepts to wire robot bases that Hardware Mechanical creates. The subteam also manages and calibrates all pneumatic systems on the robot. Hardware Electrical members become familiar with advanced electrical engineering as they work on these projects.
Hardware fabricationThe Hardware Fabrication subteam works closely with the Hardware Design subteam to creates parts based on Design's specifications using a wide variety of tools. Fabrication members receive in depth training on our various mills, lathes, and CNC routers, and choose one machine to specialize in.
Software RobotThe Software Robot subteam programs the robot for different sequences. They do this with the C++ and Python coding languages. Both calculus and physics concepts such as velocity are used for the control system.
Software ScoutingThe Software Scouting subteam does coding in a variety of different computer languages. They create a scouting app each season for competitions in order for scouts to input data about the different robots in the matches. As well as developing a scouting app, the subteam makes apps to view the data recorded on the scouting app.
In addition to primary subteams, students have the option of joining a secondary subteam. These subteams include Chairmans, Shelter Finder, and Strategy. The secondary subteams are an opportunity for students to be involved in other outreach projects/competitions.
Impact AwardThe Impact Award subteam works towards completing our application for the prestigious FIRST Chairman's award. The award honors the team that best represents a model for other teams to emulate and best embodies the purpose and goals of FIRST. The application includes a short executive summary and an essay that's read by judges. A presentation and a video is then given by Chairman's members.
StrategyStudents on this subteam work to create a playbook that encapsulates certain scenarios, even those with the slightest possibility of occurring on the field. They draw out plays and teach them to the drive team to better prepare them for the stress of mid-match reactions during competition. All students must have solid critical thinking skills, which they use extensively when creating the playbook.