2023 Season
watch our season recap here!
citrus circuits powers down for the 2023 season
houston world championship results
"OHM"G, the 2023 Houston World Champs was a blast! There were over 600 teams participating in this competition from across the entire globe. We won the Galileo Division for the ninth season in a row and placed 5th in the event. This is our 11th appearance at World Championships, and teamed up with alliance partners 3476 Code Orange, 461 Westside Boiler, and 59 RamTech.
A total of 44 students from our team, along with parents and mentors, attended the event with our robot, Tangerine Tumbler. The Galileo Division consisted of 77 teams from Canada, Mexico, Israel, and the Netherlands. Over the 10 matches played by us, we went undefeated and had the highest average score overall.
We advanced to the Einstein Field as one of eight alliances to play for the championship, In the double elimination tournament, we lost our first match before coming back and winning in the second round. Our team was eliminated in the third round, losing by only three points.
“This team has shown incredible drive and resiliency all season,” said 1678 head coach Mike Corsetto. “We were excited to be in the championship finals for the ninth year in a row, but even more excited to see how much our students have done this season to continuously improve and be a role model for teams around the world.” |
hueneme port regional results
Vertical Divider
We went undefeated in the qualification matches, ranking first in the competition and becoming the Alliance 1 captain. As an Alliance captain, we were able to choose 4414 High Tide and 696 the Circuit Breakers as our alliance partners for elimination matches. Due to a red card, we lost our first elimination match, but with the new double brackets system, we had to play three more matches to get to finals. After five exciting and exhilarating finals matches, we won the regional. In addition, we were also recognized for the Excellence in Engineering Award, which celebrates a team’s robot design and its process. It recognized our unique way of balancing on the charge station and accomplishing a triple balance with our alliance.
sacramento regional results
We charged into Week 4 of competition season participating in the Sacramento Regional located at UC Davis in the ARC Pavilion. From March 23-26, our team competed against teams from all over California, and even one team from Shanghai, China. Our team also provided volunteers that helped the event run smoothly and safely.
We went undefeated throughout the entire tournament, ultimately ranking second in the competition and seeded first in Alliance 1. With our Alliance Captain 254 The Cheesy Poofs and partner 3189 Circuit Breakers, we played through the elimination matches and advanced to finals. During the final matches, our alliance won two tense matches and placed first in the regional! In addition, we won our second Excellence in Engineering Award.
Citrus Service, our outreach program that aids other robotics teams at competition with everything from programming to building bumpers and fixing major mechanisms, helped teams over 212 times at this regional, a new record! Additionally, Citrus Service broke 1000 instances since its establishment at Sacramento Regional.
silicon valley regional results
We participated in the Silicon Valley Regional during Week 6, the last week of regionals. The event was located in the Provident Credit Union Event Center, from April 5-8. We competed against teams from all across the world, including teams from Canada, Australia, Mexico, and Chinese Taipei. Being one of the biggest and most competitive regionals, Silicon Valley had 59 teams competing for the chance to play at the world championships.
We lost our first qualification match, but as more matches were played and we ultimately ranked second in the regional. With a record of eight wins and one loss during qualification matches, we were the first pick of the top-ranked alliance. With our alliance captain 254 The Cheesy Poofs and alliance partners 100 The Wildhats and 2489 The Insomniacs, we played through the elimination matches and advanced to finals. During the final matches, our alliance won two tight matches and placed first in the regional! Additionally, we were awarded the Quality award, which celebrates machine robustness in concept and fabrication.